Tiredness comes with being a mum, along with happiness and sadness, stress and joy, uncertainty and clarity.
It’s a difficult job. No manual and everyone has there view, theory and this is how I do it moment, but this is your story and your time to take control.
Motherhood is not easy and can take its toll.
Kids nowadays don’t cope with life. They feel everyone owes them and they don’t have the skills to cope with life. Is that a parents doing, school doing or society, who knows. It’s common to hear it takes a community to grow a child, it’s so true.
Teenagers need to know there is a safety net round them. They need to know who they can reach for and know when to reach.
My son did not reach. He did not seek help.
That’s tomorrow’s blog.
Love your children, they need to know they are loved and that someone has their back.